Each of these responsibilities contributes to the worship life at Saint Martin’s

Pledge Form Due SUNDAY, JANUARY 28, 2024

Acolytes assist the priest and congregation in the work of our liturgy. S/he is a lay person who assists in worship by lighting and extinguishing candles; and helping with the bread, wine, and offerings of the people in preparation for communion. Acolytes vest for the service. (Young Acolytes should be in 4th grade or older) 

Children’s Formation. Adults assist the teacher in working with children in a way that supports, challenges, nourishes, and helps guide their spiritual quest. Anyone who works with children in formation must be trained in our diocesan KEEPING GOD’S CHILDREN SAFE program

Communications/Marketing. This committee will develop ways to promote Saint Martin’s more effectively

Hospitality. Greeters/ushers greet people when they come into the church. They are the people who make sure that visitors and newcomers are comfortable and welcomed when they come to Saint Martin’s. Greeters also select parishioners to bring the elements of bread & wine and the offering to the altar at the Liturgy of the Table. 

Lectors are lay people who proclaim the Word of God during the Liturgy of the Word. Lectors can be adults or young people with a gift for reading in corporate (public) worship

Bible Study meets every Tuesday evening and includes a lively discussion of scripture, or other sacred texts, occasionally the leader will provide a historical background of the study and relate the reading to our contemporary lives. All are welcome! 

Communion Minister assists with the administration of the chalice at the celebration of the Holy Eucharist. Eucharistic Ministers may also take communion to the homes of those who cannot venture out

SM[A]RT (Saint Martin of Austin Repertory Theatre) exists to create space for marginal voices that are unheard in dominant stories. Through mainstage productions, classes, workshops, arts programming, and community engagement, SMRT provides a means for such voices to reflect, educate, and create strategies for change

Audio/Visual Assistants help ensure electronic equipment is set for the worship service. The sound system is turned on and, when applicable, the laptop and projector are ready to screen the order of service

Altar Guild members are responsible for the care and maintenance of vestments, the arranging of flowers, and the preparation of the Altar and the Elements

Music Ministry The Music Director, Organist/Musicians, and Choir of Saint Martin’s offer their musical talents at worship and special occasions

Intercessor prays on behalf of another or others. In the worship service, the Intercessor is the one who leads the prayers of the people, which are prayers of intercession

Adult Formation is a group of people who meet regularly to read, reflect, and discuss materials related to social justice/transformation and spirituality

Stewardship/Fundraising at Saint Martin’s makes a difference. Programs for Christian education, outreach, evangelism, and worship enhance the spiritual life of this community. Your continued support reaches those near and dear to us and those far away you may never meet. But stewardship is not only a financial matter. We are called to love and serve the Lord with gladness and singleness of heart.” Your stewardship is also a sacrifice of time spent in service and the sharing of talent

Building Fund. This committee will assist the Bishop’s Committee with Saint Martin’s upkeep

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